This application creates an SVG Image based on the user input in the terminal
As a freelance web developer, I want to generate a simple logo for my projects, So I don’t have to pay a graphic designer
GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input:
WHEN I am prompted for text, then I can enter up to three characters
WHEN I am prompted for the text color, then I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number)
WHEN I am prompted for a shape, then I am presented with a list of shapes to choose from: circle, triangle, and square
WHEN I am prompted for the shape’s color, then I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number)
WHEN I have entered input for all the prompts, then an SVG file is created named logo.svg
, and the output text “Generated logo.svg” is printed in the command line
WHEN I open the logo.svg
file in a browser, then I am shown a 300x200 pixel image that matches the criteria I entered
The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:
A Live Demo Can be Found Here
View “LICENSE” in Repository